A pair of trademark applications confirm a dual camera setup for the Samsung Galaxy S8
A pair of trademark applications confirm a dual camera setup for the Samsung Galaxy S8

A pair of trademark applications confirm a dual camera setup for the Samsung Galaxy S8

❤ 538 , Категория: Новости,   ⚑ 19 Авг 2017г


In South Korea, Samsung has filed for a couple of trademarks that might confirm the use of a dual camera setup on the Samsung Galaxy S8. As we told you earlier today, a new teaser suggests that Samsung’s next flagship handset will be unveiled on February 26th. The trademarks being applied for include one called LightUp Camera. The second application is for a trademark with the name of Light+ Camera.

The registrations for both names say that the trademark covers a «Camera Sensor for use in enhancing the brightness and clearness of digital images and photographs taken in low-light environments.» That description sounds exactly like one a phone manufacturer might give as an explanation why a second camera has been placed on the rear of a handset.

Another clue is the stylized 8 seen in a teaser for the Galaxy S8 that we recently showed you. It doesn’t take much imagination to turn the number into a vertically placed dual camera setup. Not that this would be much of a surprise. After all, dual cameras are this year’s fingerprint scanner. The latter was once a rarity, then found on a few handsets, and now they are ubiquitous. Next year, dual camera setups could be everywhere.

via GalaxyClub.nl (translated)


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