4118 #211 Android Recycler View: ADD & DELETE List Items: Material Design - Part - 6
#211 Android Recycler View: ADD & DELETE List Items: Material Design — Part — 6

#211 Android Recycler View: ADD & DELETE List Items: Material Design — Part — 6

❤ 566 , Категория: Новости,   ⚑ 19 Авг 2017г

Adding and Deleting items from Recycler List View with Custom Recycler Adapter: using Notify dataSet Changed, Notify DataInserted and notify Data Removed methods : Linear Layout Manager, Grid Layout Manager and Staggered Grid Layout Manager
Recycler View is being used in many applications such as WhatsApp, Gmail, Facebook etc and is the advance version of ListView.

Recycler View and Card ViewCodes : https://github.com/smartherd/RecyclerViewCardView

Tags : Android Material Design Tutorials, Android Tutorials for beginners, Make your android apps , Android Application Development , Android Programming , How to Make create and build Android Application

Official Android Tutorials — http://developer.android.com/index.html
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